Do we have a literary agent/publisher?

We do have a literary agent representing us, as well as many publishers that have offered to publish us. However, we are waiting until we have received all submissions before we select which publisher.

What is the word-length requirements?

Stories must be between 250 and 3500 words.

Does it have to be a true story?

No. We are selecting work for multiple anthologies. Just specify whether it is fiction or non-fiction. 

Can I include photographs or art?

Yes, you may! See requirements on the "What We're Looking For" page.

What is the maximum amount of submissions I can send in?

You may submit as many works as you like.

What age do I have to be to send in?

Any age can submit, if you think your writing is high quality. Whether you're a teenager, student, adult, professional, or senior, we would love to hear your story!

Does every one get published?

No, unfortunately we have too many submissions to accept everyone's writing. Still, give it a shot, you may get chosen!

Do I have to live in the U.S. to submit?

No, we welcome submission from animal lovers everywhere!

Will this be in print (hardcover/softcover)? What format?

This book will appear in print (hardcover and softcover) in all major bookstores, and possibly in ebook as well.

When is the publication date?

We have not yet finalized the publication date, but we know it will be within a year of the deadline.

When is the deadline?

Our tentative deadline is December 31, 2010.

How do I contact you?

See the "contact info" page.

When will I hear back from you?

After submitting your writing a reply will be sent to you within a week. You will not be notified about whether you are going to be published until after the deadline (December 31, 2010).

Do I get payed for writing?

We are non-profit, so we generally do not pay writers. However, if you would like to negotiate a small price, you may contact us for more information.

Do I retain the rights to my story or artwork?

Yes, you do. All we ask is that you let us publish your work, and that your story is original and written by you.

What animal rescue organizations will benefit from this project?

Our main organization is the Best Friends Animal Society. We may also donate to ASPCA and World Wildlife Fund. 

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